Saturday, September 29, 2012

Bubba is 9 months old and an amazing EA update!!

First off, it is so hard for me to believe, but Bubba is 9 months old now! He is weighing in at 17 lbs 8 oz (10th%) and is 29 1/2 in. long (90th%). He is apx 8 lbs lighter than Kiwi, and 6 1/2 in shorter than her! He is crawling all over and pulling up on everything! He screams all the time now (mostly in mimic of Kiwi.) I hate that!! LOL. I have a constant headache. LOL. EA update: Well, this whole EA thing is moving along really quickly! :) WE matched, then very quickly got the contracts drafted, then signed and notarized. So, our embryos are now legally the adoptive couples!!! At this time, the adoptive mother will be going to her clinic for an u/s and mock transfer on CD1 (the day AF comes.) Which should be Oct. 1st.....yikes, so soon!!! (yikes in a good way! LOL. Although, I am nervous....and excited! LOL.) She will then get her meds (her clinic does not do injections. Just oral meds, suppositories and a patch of some sort.) Then, she'll have a lining check done sometime between CD1 and ovulation day, and if all looks good..... FET will be done MID OCTOBER!!!!!!! Crazy fast! I am so hopeful that this cycle works for them! Please pray for a smooth FET, and a positive pregnancy!! (Pray for a smooth pregnancy and delivery of a healthy baby/ies too, but one step at a time. LOL.)

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